
Replay Webcast audio - M&P Venezuela

Nov 10, 2023


Webcast audio - M&P Venezuela


Signing of a set of agreements with PdVSA for the immediate restart of the activity of M&P’s mixed company in Venezuela

Nov 8, 2023

Signing of a set of agreements with PdVSA for the immediate restart of the activity of M&P’s mixed company in Venezuela

M&P Tanzania - Offshore well intervention

Sep 19, 2023


M&P Tanzania - Offshore well intervention


M&P Tanzania - 7 years of activity with no recorded LTI

Aug 29, 2023


Succès EHS-S pour M&P Tanzania : 7 ans sans accident de travail avec arrêt 


AGM May 23, 2023

May 9, 2023


The Combined General Meeting (ordinary and extraordinary) of shareholders will be held on Tuesday May 23, 2023 at 10 a.m. at the Salons Hoche


Interview d'Olivier de Langavant - Le Monde des Grandes Ecoles

Apr 25, 2023

Olivier de Langavant, Directeur Général de M&P, répond aux questions de Fanny Bijaoui, journaliste au Monde des Grandes Ecoles et des Universités sur le thème des énergies et de la transition climatique.



ISO 45001 and ISO 14001 Certifications

Apr 24, 2023


Following the audits carried out in October, November and December 2022, the Group once again confirmed its ISO 45001 (health and safety) and ISO 14001 (environmental management) certifications for the Headquarters and its subsidiaries M&P Gabon and M&P Tanzania.


2022 Universel Registration Document

Mar 17, 2023


2022 Universel Registration Document


Activity for the year 2022

Jan 26, 2023

Activity for the year 2022


Press releases

Changes in Governance

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